Wairoa Motel Location
Contact Details
Wairoa Motel
49 Clyde Road, Wairoa, New Zealand
Phone: +64 6 838
Motel Manager: Mahinarangi Forbes
Onsite Manager Phone: 027 968 0962
Email: info@wairoamotel.co.nz
Website: www.wairoamotel.co.nz
If you would like to make an enquiry about staying at Wairoa Motel, please don't hesitate to contact us.
Wairoa is situated on State Highway 2 between Gisborne and Napier, and is a small town with a large history!
The gateway to Te Urewera National Park and Lake Waikaremoana, this little town is perfect if you're wanting to experience a variety of activities, or to relax, unwind and plan the next part of your journey.
Check out our Activities page for all that Wairoa has to offer... you just might be surprised!